*Updates on Covid 19, 5/15/2021:

1-The situation in Killeen/Copperas Cove/Harker Heights/Bell County has improved. We advise our patients and families to continue to get local advice. Professional information also can be obtained from the CDC site:

2-The clinic continues to update measures of screening, testing and protection as we go. We continue to screen every patient and family when making an appointment and at the font desk. High risk patients or families are still diverted and seen via telehealth or in the back of the building.

3-All children four years and up and all family members are still required to put on masks. Parents should cover their younger children who cough with tissue as much as possible.

4-Testing will be provided to the appropriate patients by testing in a protective manner in the back of the Clinic. WE  HAVE RAPID AND ACCURATE  TESTING WITH RESULTS IN 15 MINUTES.

5-Sick children with symptoms suggestive of Covid 19 are seen via telehealth. They can be tested if needed. They also can be seen physically if needed usually in the back of the clinic. WE use protective “PPE” for that purpose.

6-As of 3/26/2020, we started telemedicine visits. We hope this will help provide better care in these hard times. Examples of cases that can be seen in this manner are: rashes, vomiting and diarrhea, cold symptoms, fever, constipation, colic, headaches, ADHD follow ups etc, and of course suspected Covid cases. WE cannot see new patients via telehealth though, unless to avoid exposure.

7-Early bird walk-ins are back but they will be virtual by video! Call in and see if your child can be seen first thing in am or right after one pm! Or we might see you around 11 am or 4 pm! Regardless all sick patients can be seen same day! Stay tuned for changes as the epidemic evolves.

8-As of Monday 24, 2021, we will start giving Covid vaccine to children and adults 12 and up.

8-We might change any policy at any time without notice. 

9-Now that we have the rapid testing for Covid 19, we will be able to help better evaluate our patients faster. We will be able to diagnose patients with symptoms on the spots. Also we can give clearance for those who have some symptoms but don’t have Covid disease.